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Practical guide “Integrity and responsibility in research practises”.
The guide “Integrity and responsibility in research practices” is intended for all public research staff, regardless of their discipline, status
or level of responsibility.
It’s objective is to inform master’s and PhD students about the many aspects of the research activity. It should provide support to those who have concerns about the conduct of the profession and assist team leaders and research unit directors who might be faced with integrity violations or ethical dilemmas.
Guide Contents
The topics covered in the guide :
- guidelines behind legislation on public research
- responsibilities in public research work
- ensuring the reliability of research work
- scientific publication and communication
- intellectual property rights
- evaluation and expert assesment
- preventing scientific fraud
- researcher’s responsibility to society.
This guide sets out the principles that feature in the French National Charter for Research
Integrity signed in 2015 by a large number of French research institutions and by the
Conference of University Presidents.